Breaking The Silence

Gina Guy-WARren


I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, ”It’s time to break your silence. This is the hour victims of sexual abuse will not only be received, but those who didn’t believe you will apologize . For years you questioned all the memories and thoughts that have run through your soul. You blamed yourself and some of you believed the lie that if you hadn’t been in this place at that time, it wouldn’t have happened. The time to break your silence is now for I will restore daughters back to their mothers and sons to their mothers. Fear not what breaking your silence will do to the one who muted your mouth, your emotions, your destiny . I AM rolling away the stone and it’s time for you to break free. Your truth will not hurt the innocent, but your truth will set many free as well as you precious one. For some, generations have been affected by the one who chose fear over speaking out. Now is the time. I AM with you. Do not be afraid. Surely you desire truth in the inward parts, I will make you to know wisdom in the inmost place. My Holy Spirit, your counselor has been whispering truth for years and yet it wasn’t time, yet it is now. Will you trust me? For some, there is evidence that will confirm your truth. For other’s, AM I enough? Breaking the silence will bring many to me, the Spirit of Truth. I Am the God who healeth thee.”


7 responses to “Breaking The Silence”

  1. Patty "patriciainsd" Avatar
    Patty “patriciainsd”

    I so very much appreciate you both.❣️And, I respect your unwavering courage, setting forth a path for others to follow.
    May God continue to Bless you and your family.

    1. Gina Guy-WARren Avatar
      Gina Guy-WARren

      Thank you Patty. I know so many more courageous people will come forward this year. God bless you!

  2. Rita El-helou Avatar
    Rita El-helou

    Such a beautiful word. Brings me so much joy knowing the Lord is with me, will never leave me or forsake me even when everyone else has. Thank you for your wonderful ministry and in demonstrating strength and resilience when the enemy tried to take you down. The Lord bless and protect you always.

    1. Gina Guy-WARren Avatar
      Gina Guy-WARren

      Your story will help many. Never be silent. Bless you

  3. Shannon Avatar

    Your newest Now Word spoke to me so much. It took me so long to stop blaming myself. The effects of sexual abuse still effects me today. I wished it didn’t but it does. As I told you after this situation with my parents everything has all been triggered. Still tho I am so very proud of myself for finally saying no more abuse no more will they hold me down nor will I allow them to blame me or use the abuse against me etc. I broke my silence to them and on that last day. So yeah excellent NOW WORD! 😊💕 I love you so much! 😊💕

    1. Gina Guy-WARren Avatar
      Gina Guy-WARren

      Such an amazing testimony. and encouragement to to everybody that reads it. Setting boundaries, and speaking up is the beginning to your victory❤️

  4. I was abused by the man who should have been the most interested in protecting me. I hid that away in my heart until I was an adult. The flashbacks caused me to pass out and sometimes come to vomiting. It has taken me years to try to work through this. It was very difficult for me to receive the love of the Father because I did not know how to trust such a figure. I began speaking out against the abuse of children in my young adult years and my entire family turned against me. I was repeatedly told that what happens in the family, stays in the family. I absolutely refuse that dogma, as it is from the devil, himself. I would rather be considered a manipulative psycho, than sit silently and do nothing as God’s children are harmed and then blamed for what comes of them in their lives. God is absolutely willing to heal all who come to Him.

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