Spiritual Coma: Time To Awake The 5 Senses
Gina Guy-Warren
Much of the church has been in a spiritual coma but God is about to speak to the BODY in such a thunderous way that the spirits of those who have fallen asleep are about to experience a Great Awakening. I heard someone say, “Everyone struggles with sin, but we just don’t act on it.” I am here to tell you, God is a God of deliverance, not abstinence. We abstain from temptations we still want to entertain deep within our wounded souls, however are delivered when we despise this behavior and desire Jesus above and beyond this pitfall. I speak not from a place of judgement but compassion for those who continually give in to their temptations as a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly ( Proverbs 26:11). We are all fools in some area of our lives because a fool is someone who lacks understanding. When we are truly awakened to the deep rooted truths of why we respond the way we do, you’ll never go back to that same sin. I believe the church feels this way because they’ve not witnessed leaders or those within their circle overcome. I’ve heard many leaders consistently say from the pulpit that they are always wrestling with the same sin. It’s as if the words from the Apostle Paul, “thorn in my flesh,’ are used as a spiritual crutch across the board. 2 Corinthians 12:7. Many pastors have run with this one statement and carry a “grace card” in their pockets. When they “circle back” to this same sin, they reach in their pockets and pull the grace card. This powerless preaching has infused the sheep with a spirit of apathy. Apathy is a lack of interest or concern and permeates the atmosphere with passiveness. Therefore, no one will appeal this behavior but sympathize and support it. There is one in particular who shares from his pulpit that he struggles with pornography but God’s grace covers him. This is what I am speaking of! Get out of the pulpit and get help! Deliverance is available to those who love Jesus more than they love their sin. Grace is not a covering, but a place of positioning (Hebrews 4:16). The context of this passage must be fully understood. Paul is explaining not only the compassion and mercy of our Lord Jesus and that He sympathizes with our weaknesses. But continue reading. He was tempted at all points without sinning. So we are not encouraged to go to the cross for a dress rehearsal. Let’s try on this garment of grace, then head back into the world and see if it works. We go to the cross to obtain whatever it is we are in need of for life and for godliness. He alone has the answers and the breaker anointing to overcome all temptations. His record proves He has something we don’t! Grace is not a license to keep sinning, but the power to break it off!
Our senses have been dulled and discernment is almost nonexistent within the church. Those who call themselves prophets are sharing platforms with sexual predators and yes, some are sex-traffickers. Because they have been given a platform in which to teach, either they are complicit in knowing who they are associated with or they have no idea because the fame they receive from these platforms sears their conscience and they can’t discern the evil surrounding them. That’s all about to change because if you really desire pure truth and seek it out, truth will always find you. Those who avoid truth, know full well it will illuminate every false motive they carry. The problem is for many, truth comes in a package they didn’t expect. Surely God would not use a non- believer to speak, or a former porn star (Madyson Marquette), or a housewife no one knows. Surely, God will be a mouthpiece through only the well-known prophets who’ve made the all time prophets lists. Or the ones that hear from Him every day, and post lengthy dreams and visions that take an hour to read. Senses have been dulled because it’s been the same method, and the same vessels over and over with no long lasting results. The vessel carrying your much needed truth, may not be the one you expected. Even concerning the matters of the Whitehouse and our nation as many evangelicals have been unable to believe or accept President Trump as the nation’s vessel God has chosen. Therefore, they’ve led their sheep straight to the slaughter through their own personal rejections and dulled senses. Why are others pushing the vaccine as “God’s method of healing?” I tell you this day, vessels of honor, who are un-medicated and uncontaminated, have been sent to awaken the body. Again, because some of them are not “known” in the popular preachy circles so they are being ignored, but not for long!
Many of you have been rejected as your senses are wide awake, yet those familiar with you, cannot Hear your truths. Seeing, they can’t perceive. Hearing yet they cannot receive, Smelling yet you’re a stench to their nostrils. Tasting yet their taste buds have been satiated by false nutrition. The Presence of truth permeates their atmosphere, yet they can’t feel Him.
Be expecting because 2021 is the year of the church. The world is about to witness the God we proclaim is full of mercy and long suffering. He has seen His bride in a coma, and sleeping beauty is about to receive a kiss from heaven that will stir up all her God given senses, and will bring the body to life once again. She will return to her first love. The lover of our souls, with one kiss from heaven, will awaken the Bride of Christ to See, Hear, Feel, Smell and Taste and see the Lord is so very good. He loves His church and she’s about to experience the wake up call she’s been long awaiting for. (original post in 2020)
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