By This Time Tomorrow

The Economic Shift

Gina Guy-Warren


Warning. Economy is about to shift…you must hear from heaven, not from your natural gifting only! 

I had a  detailed dream about the economy, and Gods plan for HIS people. 2 Kings 7 the Prophet was clear today’s economy doesn’t line up with the kingdom economy. I’m sure the Prophet Elisha had quite a conversation not even written in this chapter! By this time tomorrow!! With what I saw last night in this dream, everyone really needs to be into their God ordained  positions, land and territory quickly!!!

2 Kings 7:1-2

Elisha replied, “Hear the word of the Lord. This is what the Lord says: About this time tomorrow, a seah of the finest flour will sell for a shekel and two seahs of barley for a shekel at the gate of Samaria.”

The officer on whose arm the king was leaning said to the man of God, “Look, even if the Lord should open the floodgates of the heavens, could this happen?”

“You will see it with your own eyes,” answered Elisha, “but you will not eat any of it!”


August 12, 2024

Dream about economy

I saw people jumping into the lake because they were trying to get to another destination. They were fearful but the panic began after the waters turned violent and I then saw they were drowning. I was standing next to someone that appeared to be an agent I know from a specific agency and they were on a call being informed that all the banks were getting ready to close down. Someone then approached that agent and said they needed to get to their bank to get the money out, but it was too late.

I looked over at my husband. He was sleeping because of his long shifts and I told him we have a specific amount in our account as we are getting ready to close escrow on a home. I understood immediately why the Lord had us purchase this home and why it was closing escrow at the perfect timing. I realized we didn’t have to make any moves, that the Lord was granting us specific wisdom and detailed timing that others were not hearing themselves.

Prophetic economic strategy

In 2006 as my divorce was taking place, I heard these 3 words. Prophetic Economic Strategy. As I have always done when the Holy Spirit speaks to my heart, I grabbed my journal to start writing. However, the Lord spoke nothing to me. I fully understood He wasn’t going to SPEAK but TEACH me as I walked it out. Walked it out is exactly what I did for the next 18 years which brings us to today in 2024.

I owned 2 homes and the first one that was stolen from me (in the divorce) the Lord gave me strategy to make money on the sale after the death of my ex-husband which provided finances to pay for college tuition for my daughters. Later, when the timing is right, I will write a book on Prophetic Economic Strategy and share the wisdom the Lord has graciously granted me. I tell you it is nothing like what the world tells you to do, but it’s Gods kingdom principles as well as the prophetic insight to see whats ahead just as the Prophet Elisha in 2 Kings 7 was able to convey to those who would listen.

🔥That’s what I love about the prophets, and Christ himself because all throughout scripture we see the God asking his people to execute the ‘impossible’ in the most ‘illogical,‘ (unexpected/crazy/unorthodox ways – unconventional). You get the point – Speak to the rock in order to extract water ( Numbers 20:10). Lead an unbelieving, gossiping and complaining church to the edge of a raging sea and command it to part ( Exodus 14:21). Tie up your son in whom I promised you lineage and blessings and raise the knife in your hand and kill him and trust my promise (Genesis 22). Walk 7 times around the city walls and shout and sing and watch it collapse( Joshua 6). Keep drawing from your urns of oil and flour continually while my prophet is in your house (2 Kings 4). Dip 7 times in the dirty river and be healed

( 2 Kings 5:14. )Watch Me spit on the ground and rub out a wad of mud and put it in your eyes and heal your sight ( John 9). Reach down and grab the beggar’s hand at the gate called Beautiful and pull him up to walk again, ( Acts 3:2). Distribute these baskets of 2 fish and fives loaves of bread that normally feeds three guys and watch it feed 10-15 thousand ( Matthew 14). Watch me rain down daily manna from heaven so you get fresh sustenance and nutrition sufficient for the day, every day for 40 years (Exodus 16). Should I continue? Where can Jesus find such faith in this hour? Man who won’t lean on the expertise of his own craft and deny the supernatural, wonder working power of the God of Abraham? Oh wise and foolish builders of your own households. How you’ve forsaken your first love! The one who created heaven and earth and owns a cattle on a thousand hills? Who bewitched you and told you there is only ONE way this economy can run and God’s people can survive? The spirit of this age speaks louder to many than the spirit of the living God who still to this day falls afresh on those who seek His face, not His resources.

I can hear the Father speaking to His people, “Trust Me. Trust Me. Trust Me. That very globe that you’re walking on, laying on, crying and laughing on, making your daily wage or your annual millions, – is suspended only upon My Word. I have never forsaken my children and you won’t beg for bread. Listen closely. Pay attention to my instruction. I am ever teaching and ever leading you! Those cells within that embryo in your womb are splitting exactly as I designed to bring forth your child. I know what I’m doing. Trust Me. Trust Me. Believe that I CAN. Not You can – that *I* CAN and I WILL if you TRUST ME. There lies ahead of you a great and awesome birthing put into motion before you were born. Oh you of little faith. Will you believe once again that I can, and I will. I AM the Great I Am. There is no god besides me.”

The storm is coming. Prayerfully you’re all getting houses/finances in order. The Prophet Elisha made it clear that the doubter would have none of it! They didn’t believe and unbelief was the only reason “whomever’s arm you’re leaning on” didn’t get their portion of the miracle of the economic change!

Dream 2

August 25, 2024

I was sitting speaking to ( specific names in our Mic Family /Mentorship Interactive Church)) I was so filled with wisdom that after I was done, I quickly realized I missed the Mic family that was to log in, only to then realize I simply lost track of all time, as we know it, while I was teaching these named people. I looked at the 2 of them and said, “Wow, I was caught up in the spirit while speaking to you.” They had no idea that had happened as they were just listening to me speak. I explained there are 2 ways to be caught up with the holy spirit. One is easily identifiable because it’s the way the church has executed ‘thus saith the Lord,’ in previous times. For instance, it’s clearly communicated that God spoke to them in a dream or prophetic utterance. The hearer quickly understands God is speaking and it’s received.

I then shared with these 2 that you can be ‘caught up’ in His presence by just speaking the Word of the Lord, and that’s what happened to me. You don’t have to stop and say thus saith the Lord but simply share and teach! This is what took place in the garden of Eden. God spoke and both Adam and Eve communicated. There were no interruptions. But due to sin, we have been separated from God and naturally a communication break down has ensued. Simply stated, if you’re with someone and the two of you are so engaged in the conversation, you lose all time and space because you’re “caught up” in the conversation. This is what I mean by this statement. Keep it simple, not religious!

Next in the dream, I was in a conference type setting. People were gathering for me to pray for them. A little black boy stood in front of me. I didn’t pray over him, I spoke! I said, ” KEEP DANCING.” He replied, “Just Dance?” He was so excited and I started doing dance moves with him. This is HOW I was praying over him! NO “thus said the Lord” no hype and emotion, just simply words and actions! The the next lady, was a blonde middle aged woman. I handed her kitchen towels. She took them and began to fold them. ( Remember, people expect to be prophesied and prayed over), so she was unaware of the word from God that was just handed to her. I said, ” No! Look, I mean really look at what I just gave you.” Imprinted on the towels were harvest symbols like pumpkins and wheat. I then took her hands in mine and said, “It’s harvest time. You’ve been faithful and now it’s time for your harvest”. Then a man whose back was really hurting, was looking towards me and we locked eyes. You could visibly see the pain and posture of his back. When we locked eyes, he straightened up and was healed. I looked at him and I said, “Look at that! You’re totally healed.” The joy we expressed cannot be written in human words. Then an older man like a Simeon in the Bible, was looking through a small little hole in my laundry room. He was trying to show me something. He was looking from the outside in, and I was looking from the inside out. He said to me, “Just like Daniel.” I knew immediately what he was saying as a prophecy from the early 90’s came to mind. Daniel 1

  1. Just Dance: Stay in your gifting and Passion. Remain trueto yourself as promotion comes through your God given gifts. This is a form of true worship
  2. Financial Harvest: Pay attention to details and recognize how God is speaking through what’s been handed to you.
  3. True, authentic healing is coming to the body of Christ.

God is about to move upon His church. Not the building, clicks nor movements, but upon those whom He chooses so that His glory, which includes kingdom finances, can be distributed for the end time harvest of souls. We can clearly glean from 1 Kings 10: 1-13 that the Queen of Sheba came to Solomon to prove his reputation and left declaring “Praise be to the Lord your (not our) God, who has delighted in you and placed you on the throne of Israel. Because of the Lord’s eternal love for Israel, he has made you king, to maintain justice and righteousness.” ( Keep in mind these two thoughts for consideration. What the Lord wants to place in your hands will be for the purpose of drawing non believers to you. Secondly, as all 3 houses have been infiltrated, Israel is no exception. He is drawing out the wicked infiltrators out of Israel, so his beloved will go forth in purity and blessing as declared throughout His word. Pray for the Peace of Israel).

It’s my prayer that you believe for yourself that you serve a God of miracles, and come what may, and it will, He has a prophetic economic strategy in motion and He is revealing this strategy with some frontline prophets, patriots and warriors. Those who don’t believe will not take part in the harvest when these events unfold. Christianity offers an even playing field that in summation has 2 requirements. Obedience and Faith. Get into position.

*a portion of the heroes of faith section sent to me by a ministry partner


5 responses to “By This Time Tomorrow”

  1. Brian “MrUnbreakable” Warren Avatar
    Brian “MrUnbreakable” Warren

    Definitely an On Time Prophetic Word!

  2. Patty N. Avatar
    Patty N.

    There are so many details in this Word, Pastor Gina. Thank you for sharing a backdrop of what true Obedience and Faith entails.
    Reading this once, is certainly not enough!

    1. The masters and I do not know how much I thank God for putting them in my path, they have activated my spiritual life and brought divine order to my life, writes the boy who works at Amazon

      1. Gina Guy-WARren Avatar
        Gina Guy-WARren

        the Lord loves you. I know your english is broken coming from Cuba, so thank you for your reply

  3. Michelle W Avatar
    Michelle W

    So much to digest. I feel so inadequate. Lots to pray about

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