Gina Guy Warren
Truth N Love Ministries
It’s Pay Day!
Many Will Envy You on this Day
I hear the spirit of the Lord speaking, “You’re My dark horse”.
I see you at the horses gate being held back. The two fingers of the Lord are placed at the opening of your nostrils. I hear the Lord speaking, “ I know it’s been difficult for you to hold back. I have you held at the gate for an opportune time. I’m about to release my fingers and you will blow out steam upon the unrighteousness of my house. Did they think I was like them? Do they think I tolerate them as they tolerate ungodly narratives?
For there has been a hostile takeover of my house, my courts, my pulpits.
My Word declares in James, ‘Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a vapor of steam, a wisp of fog, that appears for a little while then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, ‘if this is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.” As it is, you boast and brag. All such boasting is evil. You are full of your grandiose, selves. All such vaunting, self-importance is evil! In fact, you know the right thing to do and you don’t do it!, that for you, is evil!
I’ve called you to execute truth, justice and the American way. Freedom, not bondage. No longer shall my house rule from a spirit of treason. Enough is enough. The first shall be last and the last shall be first. Business as usual will no longer be a term spoken, but those who will be about my Father’s business will be anointed and appointed for this time. Time is up. The Time is now!
Matthew 20 declares:
The landowner went out 5 times to hire workers. 5 is the number of grace as well as the 5-fold ministry (Ephesians 4:11) At the 3rd hour he saw them standing around the “market place” doing nothing. We must remember it was the 3rd hour that Jesus was crucified! ( Mark 15:25). In verse 8, the foreman is called forth to pay the workers but clearly states he will begin paying the last ones hired then go on to the first. So the workers who were hired at the 11th hour came and each received their pay.
Those who were hired first had expected a greater pay day but were disappointed to learn their wages were the same as everyone else. Grumbling, complaining and backbiting takes place and the landowner got an earful. These laborers were so upset because they felt they deserved more because they had put in more “time” than those hired last. Pride arose among the laborers because the landowner had made it an equal ‘playing’ field. He explained to his workers that he had the right to do what he wanted with his money, and called out the envy of those complaining.
God is tired of the backbiting, complaining and he is leveling the fields! Many who have held positions for consecutive terms, those who have preached and prophesied longer than others, are about to get a wake up call! Those standing around the market place at the 3rd hour, knew they had many gifts and talents, however, no one had hired them….yet! This is the race! We are all on the track, and the one who own’s our land, our bodies, our spirits, is about to hire you and it’s pay day. You will be the envy of those who were “hired before you”. They will question and even hate you because of your paid promotions, feeling that they put in more time, took on more heat than you have. Self-righteousness will be exposed and those who understand their righteousness is in Him alone will in the 11th hour declare in a loud voice, “It’s Pay Day!”.
Also the Lord is raising up “foreman’s” who will arise and preside over juries and speak on their behalf! Also keep an eye out for ‘foreman’s’. A foreman is called to supervise or direct workers. In a court of law, a foreman presides over a jury and speaks on their behalf. Corrupt foreman’s will be removed, and God’s righteous ones called to handle finances will now be put in charge of “paying others what they are truly due.”
#WhiteHouse #CourtHouse #ChurchHouse
Gods cleaning All 3 Houses
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