As we witness this modern day Apostle Paul being arrested for holding church services during the Covid Plandemic, we can’t help but be reminded of the Apostle Paul. Pastor Artur Pawlowski is being chained for living out the gospel of Jesus Christ. While many wimpy, spineless and sold-out-to-the-fear-of man pastors, continued their online services because the government told them their congregation would all die if they met, this fearless warrior refused the lie. Even to date, though it is proven 99.8% recover from Covid, many in fear run to the contaminated, in every way imaginable vaccine. Need I remind everyone yet again who funded this vaccine. The software billionaire Bill Gates. Not Dr. Gates, but Microsoft Man. My God in heaven, have we truly lost our discernment. Many sadly, have fallen for the government lie that the only way to survive as well as the only way to travel, would be to hold out your arm and take it! Look again at this picture as this fearless pastor holds out his arms to take what comes along with fighting against tyranny. Many listen to the fake news or do their google research ( controlled by none other than Bill Gates) to end at the conclusion the government and CDC must be right. We can’t live without this! May everyone take a good, hard and long look at this man who chose the low road, on his knees.
When the government is pushing donuts, free vacations and money if you get this jab, that alone should cause every believer to pause. We’ve wrapped masks on the faces of this generation and told them to keep moving forward. We are living in the days of the Apostle Paul warned us about.
2 Timothy 1:8, “Therefore, do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord nor of me His prisoners, but share with me in the sufferings for the gospel
according to the power of God.”
2 Timothy 2:9, “ I suffer as an evildoer, even to the point of chains,; but the word of God is not chained. Therefore, I endure all things for the sake of the elect,
that they also may obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.”
Some are taking the easy way out by complying with the government and the CDC. Others have made up their minds they will share in the sufferings. I don’t know about you, but they can put me in chains but my blood will be vaccination free, and I will preach the gospel with courage because courage actually means to face or do something that holds the potential of danger. Anyone can go get their vaccination card while wearing their face muzzle, but my all access pass is the gospel of Jesus Christ and ONLY His DNA will course through my veins. Not this DNA changing, gene therapy, death jab. Do I sound a little enraged? I hope I am coming across this way because I am compelled by the Spirit of the Lord to help raise up Apostolic Leaders who wil lead like the Apostle Paul who served Jesus Christ his Lord without fear or compromise.
The following is what I heard from the Lord in 2017. May it fill you with boldness, courage and raise up a revolutionary spirit within you to not submit to this tyranny in which our government is pushing.
I was given a prophetic Dream last night and heard “ShawShank Redemption”. I didn’t see the movie and personally I don’t watch movies or videos on Facebook unless directed by the Holy Spirit. This prison which was located in Ohio 1896-1990 ( open 94 years) before being shut down partly due to INHUMANE conditions
I saw innocent dead bodies being tossed into a compound. I knew in my dream once the bodies were tossed over this wall, major atrocities took place. The leaders in this compound were there to defile, abuse, victimize ONLY Christians! I then was surrounded by a team of “Navy seal like minded Warriors” they told me they are Going into the enemies compound to destroy them. Their Mission, take down the enemy BEFORE they take us down! A dangerous life threatening mission to say the least! I then saw snipers shooting at bodies underwater, aiming what I think were AK-47 shooting bullets into their heads (the head is symbolic of authority) . They stood at the border looking down into the water as people tried escaping their line of fire 🔥!
I was under water (symbolic of Holy Spirit protection) trying to save bodies and get them out of the line of fire but sadly saw one by one Leaders being taken out as I tried saving who I could! I grabbed them by their necks like a lifeguard trying to swim to safety away from their fire!
The dream then took me to a church as they were attempting to gather pastors and start church over though it had previously died out after I left it prophesying truth!
The false shepherds scattered but were now reconvening to begin again. Most not even researching, praying what Gods plan was. They had mans plan in mind and didn’t even consider asking the Prophet what was happening!
Someone ( a black woman) was assigned to watch me and kept quoting scripture like, “woman are to submit to man”. She also kept wanting me to bake with her Trying to push “baking on me” ( anyone who knows my healthy eating style, I don’t bake and rarely eat baked goods. Saul’s armor won’t work for
This new Breed of leaders. The old way that everyone eats, isn’t good for the upcoming church!)
They kept Using scripture but totally out of context believing their scripture was the total truth of the matter. They had no idea or clue I was a prophet standing right in their Midst, that had previously
Dealt with all these people. This is all I can share publicly regarding this Prophetic dream🙏
You’re about to witness many falsely accused and put into life imprisonment, get offered clemency! Jails are about to release the innocent. This is GODS INNOCENT PROJECT! Truth will be exposed how diabolical evil made one to look guilty! Actual prisoners set free that have suffered from false witnesses and partial evidence presented!
You’re also about to witness those hurt by church leaders with evil motives released from their captivity!
Gods sending Navy Seal Warriors into the camp of the Evil one to violently take back the forces of hell. God is raising up men like my husband Brian Warren who aren’t afraid of people and their religious traditions.
Religious stereotypes that pastors must be loving, tolerate and passive will no longer permeate the minds of the Sheep but they are about to experience a GREAT AWAKENING that Leaders with the attitude that they will go INTO HELL and NOT wait to be attacked. Leaders are about to go on the OFFENSIVE NOT THE DEFENSIVE.
They will take the enemy BEFORE they attack Gods people.
You will see Cyrus Anointing like our President reside upon Men/Women in Pastoral leadership.
You will see woman with a Queenly presence walk in a Kingly Anointing without losing their femininity or usurping the submissive covering of True Male Priests of the House!
Men with confidence in who they are as male leaders will not only ALLOW but ASSIST these Kingly Anointed women into position!
The Tides are Now Turning in the favor of the Righteous because the “Jesus Redemption Project” has now accelerated.
Psalm 27 (The Message Translation)
You’ve always been right there for me. Don’t turn your back on me now! Don’t throw me out when my father and mother forsake me! You’ve always kept the Door open!
Point me down the Highway along a well lit path! Don’t throw me to the dogs, those LIARS who are out to get me filing the air with their threats!
I’m sure now I will see God’s goodness in the earth. Stay with God! Take heart and Don’t quit! I’ll say it again. STAY WITH GOD!
Gina Guy Warren
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